Questions Submitted to Candidates by Friends of Rapid City Parks

Studies have shown that parkland increases values for adjacent property by 20 percent. Even more studies have shown that people will trade off income for quality of life, and that open space is the number one consideration for small, hi-tech companies looking to relocate. At a public forum last year, a panel of local and national experts on parks and open space declared that Rapid City “doesn’t get the linkage.”   Numerous examples of incentives to encourage incorporation of open space in private development were described. What incentives or policies would encourage builders to include open space in their development?

The vision fund has served as a source of investment in projects to improve Rapid City, beyond expenses for infrastructure and traditional capital improvements. It was designed to use public participation to suggest, debate and nominate projects. Recently it has been overtaken by last minute demands for single items that did not go through the public process with little money left for smaller community-initiated ideas. Since the city council sits as the vision fund committee, what changes, if any, would you make in the project nomination and selection process?

The recycling program at our landfill is world class, and joint efforts between city and private business have expanded recycling to the downtown area. Rapid City was recognized recently for its outstanding air quality. It has made national lists in the top 10 cities for access to outdoor recreation. What are three things you would promote as mayor to enhance and preserve the natural environment of Rapid City?

Not every student is able to participate in school sports programs, but studies tell us that outdoor play and exercise help not only with physical health, but creativity, teamwork, and other skills. This is an argument made in support of team sports. How can the school board contribute to finding opportunities for environmental education, outdoor recreation, and parks-related community service projects to encourage students to get off their computers and outside?

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